Competitive Game Read-Out Issues
DP with the board as the domain of definition
The board can be represented by a range
There is no need to distinguish between the first and the second hand.
Maximize "my score - opponent's score" for both the first and second moves.
Unmemorized naive recursion.
All sample codes succeed.
def solve(N, XS):
def first(L, R):
# debug(": L, R", L, R)
if L == R:
return max(
return first(0, N - 1)
Compile in Cython because it is TLE as it is.
I put in an array of impossible values to make sure that they have not been calculated, but since they can be both positive and negative, I also created an array with whether they have been calculated or not.
You could have left the value large enough.
I used "int" because using "bool" is an error.
cdef first(L, R):
if L == R:
pos = L * N + R
right = first(L + 1, R)
left = first(L, R - 1)
if x > ret:
ret = x
return ret
cdef solve():
for i in range(N * N):
return first(0, N - 1)
def main():
global N, XS
# parse input
N = int(input())
XS = list(map(int, input().split()))
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/DP L. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I'm very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.